Sites I Maintain or Help Maintain
I am now working extensively as a behind the scenes programmer for MGM Internet Solutions. I am still available for freelance work, however for large projects I would prefer that you deal with me through MGM.
The recent redesign of the MGM site now relies on a number of my custom scripts to ease maintenance and updates. This includes the entire portfolio section and the list of published articles.
Although nearly all sites produced by MGM Since June of 1999 have felt my influence the following sites rely extensively on the services I provided:
- YumaCity.com - I started with the excellently designed static site MGM had developed. I then added interactive features such as interactive ratings, feedback, and the ability for visitors to submit new listings.
- ebusinessmenu.com - Database driven site for buying and selling businesses on-line. I did all of the programming to make this site possible.
- Finley Field Services Inc. - I created a system which allows visitors to the site to create their own resumes and then submit them for consideration. This also includes the ability for both the site visitors and the site owner to automatically print the resumes and professionally formatted PDF files.
- Top-Decor.Com - Full e-commerce store. I programmed the entire shopping card and payment system for this site.
- pancrazi.com - I did the basic layout for this site as well as programming many of the customized forms and a cookie based lockout to keep people from viewing the newsletters until they register.
- Fenix Technology - I programmed a database for this site so the owners can update their product listing any time they want. I also programmed a Javascript calculator for their products.
- Karl Moedl - Created a user maintainable database to list used vehicles.
- RV World - Created a user maintainable database to list used vehicles.
- AZ Insurance Finders - Programmed several multi-page forms with specially formatted output.
- Sleep Center of Yuma - Programmed a customized form.
I was also responsibe for the original award winning site I created for Osborn Manufacturing in Clevelnad Ohio. They have now hired a full-time designer and a full-time webmaster who have extensively remodeled the site.
And I still find time to make occasional updates to my own site which is slowly becoming less and less impressive. One of these days I really will redo this entire site, but probably not until I retire at this point!
Jason T. Hitesman /
Student / Ohio University